- 膵管閉塞{すいかん へいそく}
obstruction of the pancreatic duct 意味
- "obstruction of the large bowel" 意味
- "obstruction of the lumen" 意味
- "obstruction of the lymphatic channels" 意味
- "obstruction of the nasal airway" 意味
- "obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct" 意味
- "obstruction of the posterior urethra" 意味
- "obstruction of the sinus orifice" 意味
- "obstruction of the small intestine" 意味
- "obstruction of traffic" 意味
- "obstruction of the nasal airway" 意味
- "obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct" 意味
- "obstruction of the posterior urethra" 意味
- "obstruction of the sinus orifice" 意味